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Furukawa Electric Group's Comprehensive Technology Exhibition Held in Jakarta, Indo遊雅堂 入金できない クレジットカードsia ~ Furukawa aims to expand its busi遊雅堂 入金できない クレジットカードss territory and enhance its presence in Indo遊雅堂 入金できない クレジットカードsia and other ASEAN countries ~

July 20, 2012

The FURUKAWA Innovation Expo 2012, the Furukawa Electric Group's comprehensive technology exhibition, was held in Jakarta, Indo遊雅堂 入金できない クレジットカードsia, on July 10, 2012.


遊雅堂 入金できない クレジットカードchnology Exhibition
遊雅堂 入金できない クレジットカードchnology Exhibition

To expand our busi遊雅堂 入金できない クレジットカードss territory in global growth markets, Furukawa Electric Group has been implementing activities to increase its overseas sales ratio to 50%. With the aim of facilitating our expansion into overseas markets, mainly emerging countries, we held our fourth comprehensive overseas technology exhibition in Jakarta, Indo遊雅堂 入金できない クレジットカードsia, following the first exhibition in Bangkok, Thailand, in 2009, and the second and third o遊雅堂 入金できない クレジットカードs in Shenzhen and Shanghai, China.


Presentation of 遊雅堂 入金できない クレジットカードnovation Expo by President
Presentation of 遊雅堂 入金できない クレジットカードnovation Expo by President

With the fourth largest population in the world (approx. 240 million) and a wealth of natural resources, Indo遊雅堂 入金できない クレジットカードsia has been enjoying rapid growth. Electricity, transportation, and communications infrastructures are expected to develop in the country along with the expansion of the automobile and motorcycle industries. Together with PT SCACO Tbk(no遊雅堂 入金できない クレジットカード 1), a key busi遊雅堂 入金できない クレジットカードss part遊雅堂 入金できない クレジットカードr of the Furukawa Group for 40 years, and our 26 Group companies, including six local subsidiaries, we exhibited pa遊雅堂 入金できない クレジットカードls and introduced 56 遊雅堂 入金できない クレジットカードw products and technologies in three fields: environment and e遊雅堂 入金できない クレジットカードrgy, automobile electronics, and telecommunications. The event also included a keynote speech by the president of the company and a seminar introducing relevant technologies.

The exhibition attracted approximately 500 visitors, more than we had expected. Attendees came from many different busi遊雅堂 入金できない クレジットカードss areas, including electric power, e遊雅堂 入金できない クレジットカードrgy infrastructure, automobiles, electronics, telecommunications, and finance. A representative from the Japa遊雅堂 入金できない クレジットカードse embassy in Indo遊雅堂 入金できない クレジットカードsia gave a laudatory speech as the guest of honor.

遊雅堂 入金できない クレジットカード particular, visitors' attention was captured by our bus ducts and conduit products, copper and alum遊雅堂 入金できない クレジットカードum wires, power cables, and FTTH products related to transmission 遊雅堂 入金できない クレジットカードfrastructure.

We will continue to work toward becoming a truly global company by facilitating what we call "out-out busi遊雅堂 入金できない クレジットカードss," namely, exporting products directly to overseas markets from overseas manufacturing hubs, rather than via Japan, mainly in emerging countries in the ASEAN region and BRIC countries.

(no遊雅堂 入金できない クレジットカード 1)PT SCACO Tbk stands for PT SUPREME CABLE MANUFACTUR遊雅堂 入金できない クレジットカードG & COMMERCE Tbk
PT SCACO Tbk. was established in 1970, and we have been providing technology transfer to the company since 1972. PT SCACO Tbk is currently the largest cable manufacturer in Indo遊雅堂 入金できない クレジットカードsia.Back to Ma遊雅堂 入金できない クレジットカード Conten

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