遊雅堂 おすすめゲーム?C???^?t?F?[?X??IPv4?Ɋւ??????\?????܂??B
Router#show ip interface usb-ethernet 1 USB-ETHERNET1 is up IPv4 is enabled IP address is, subnet mask is Broadcast address is MTU is 1500 bytes Proxy 遊雅堂 おすすめゲームP is disabled ICMP redirects 遊雅堂 おすすめゲームe always sent ICMP unreachables 遊雅堂 おすすめゲームe always sent ICMP mask- replies 遊雅堂 おすすめゲームe always sent Directed broadcast forw遊雅堂 おすすめゲームding is enabled IEEE802.1p priority value of 遊雅堂 おすすめゲームP is 0 Router#
???@?? ???@?e 遊雅堂 おすすめゲーム1 is up ???̃C???^?t?F?[?X?̕????????N??Ԃ? up ???ǂ???(up/down)??\???܂??B IP address is, subnet mask is ???̃C???^?t?F?[?X??IP?A?h???X?ƃT?u?l?b?g?}?X?N??\???܂??B B遊雅堂 おすすめゲームadcast address is ???̃C???^?t?F?[?X?̃u???[?h?L???X?g?A?h???X??\???܂??B MTU is 1500 bytes MTU?̃T?C?Y??\???܂??B Proxy 遊雅堂 おすすめゲームP is disabled ???̃|?[?g?`???l???? proxy-遊雅堂 おすすめゲームp ?𑗐M???邩?ǂ???(enabled / disabled)??\???܂??B
?܂??Aip proxy-遊雅堂 おすすめゲームp?R?}???h??include-default-route?I?v?V???????w?肳??Ă???ꍇ?́AProxy 遊雅堂 おすすめゲームP is enabled (include-default-route)?ƕ\??????܂??BICMP redirects 遊雅堂 おすすめゲームe always sent ICMP re遊雅堂 おすすめゲームrects?𑗐M???邩?ǂ???(always sent / never sent)??\???܂??B ICMP unreachables 遊雅堂 おすすめゲームe always sent ICMP unreachable ????ɂ??邩?ǂ???(always sent / never sent)??\???܂??B ICMP mask-replies 遊雅堂 おすすめゲームe always sent ICMP mask reply ?𑗐M???邩?ǂ???(always sent / never sent)??\???܂??B Directed broadcast forw遊雅堂 おすすめゲームding is enabled ???̃C???^?t?F?[?X??Ń_?C???N?g?u???[?h?L???X?g???s?????ǂ???(enabled/遊雅堂 おすすめゲームsabled)??\???܂??B IEEE802.1p priority value of 遊雅堂 おすすめゲームP is 0 ???̃C???^?t?F?[?X???瑗?M?????遊雅堂 おすすめゲームP?p?P?b?g?i???N?G?X?g/???v???C?j?́A?o?͎???802.1p?l??\?????܂??B
show ip interface 遊雅堂 おすすめゲーム?m遊雅堂 おすすめゲーム?ԍ??n
?p?????[?^ ?ݒ???e ?ݒ?͈? ?ȗ????̒l 遊雅堂 おすすめゲーム?ԍ? ?Q?Ƃ?????遊雅堂 おすすめゲーム?̔ԍ????w?肵?܂??B 1 ?ݒ肳??Ă???C???^?t?F?[?X?̂ݕ\?????܂??B