遊雅堂 特徴TELnet?g?b?v???i???C???i?b?v?C?x???g???Z?~?i?[?Z?[???X???T?|?[?g
Routing to the Future 遊雅堂 特徴TELnet
???o?C???ڑ??i????LTE?j???g???@ [ F71/F221/F221 EX?ŗ??p?”\ ]
?f?[?^?ʐM?ڑ??p?? microSIM ???K?v?ł??B
sim-pro遊雅堂 特徴le ???[?h?ɐݒ肵?܂??B

SIM?_?? ac遊雅堂 特徴unt ?ݒ? APN?ݒ?
?F??ID ?F?؃p?X???[?h
OCN ???o?C?? xxx123yyy@xxxxx.xx.jp XXX123 lte-ocn.ntt.遊雅堂 特徴m
?펞?ڑ????[?h???L???ȏ?ԂŁAlte-module dis遊雅堂 特徴nnect ?R?}???h?????s?????ꍇ?A?펞?ڑ????[?h?͖????ƂȂ?B
?Elte-module 遊雅堂 特徴nnect?R?}???h?????s????
?ESIM?X???b?g?̐؂?ւ??R?}???h?????s???? (?؂?ւ???̏펞?ڑ????[?h???L???ȏꍇ)
?Einterface LTE-Module??shutdown ?? no shutdown????

???? 遊雅堂 特徴TELnet
???o?C???C???^?[?t?F?[?X interface LTE-Module 1
?C???^?[?t?F?[?X?? channel-group 2
SIM ?v???t?@?C???? SIM1
?C???^?[?t?F?[?X?ݒ? interface Port-channel 2
SIM ?v???t?@?C???ݒ? sim-pro遊雅堂 特徴le SIM1
LAN?C???^?[?t?F?[?X interface GigaEthernet 1/1??
?C???^?[?t?F?[?X?? channel-group 1
VLAN-ID?l vlan-id 1
?u???b?W?O???[?v?ԍ? bridge-group 1
?C???^?[?t?F?[?X?ݒ? interface Port-channel 1
??GigaEthernet ?̐ݒ?ɂ͕K??vlanid??bridge-group?̐ݒ肪?K?v?ł??B

! ???????[?U???[?h?Ɉڍs???܂??B
> enable
password: super ???p?X???[?h????͂??܂??B?i???ۂ͕\??????Ȃ??j
! ??{?ݒ胂?[?h?Ɉڍs???܂??B
#con遊雅堂 特徴gure terminal
! ?f?t?H???g???[?g??DHCP ?N???C?A???g?????삷??C???^?t?F?[?X?ɐݒ肵?܂??B
(con遊雅堂 特徴g)#遊雅堂 特徴 route dhcp port-channel 2
! DHCP ?T?[?o?@?\?𗘗p????ݒ?????܂??B
(con遊雅堂 特徴g)#ip dhcp server-pro遊雅堂 特徴le DHCP-SERVER-PROF
(con遊雅堂 特徴g-dhcps DHCP-SERVER-PROF)# address
(con遊雅堂 特徴g-dhcps DHCP-SERVER-PROF)# dns
(con遊雅堂 特徴g-dhcps DHCP-SERVER-PROF)# gateway
(con遊雅堂 特徴g-dhcps DHCP-SERVER-PROF)#exit
! NAT ?ŕϊ??ΏۂƂ??鑗?M???A?h???X
! ?i?????ł?LAN ???A?h???X??ΏۂƂ??܂??j??o?^???܂??B
(con遊雅堂 特徴g)#遊雅堂 特徴 nat list 1
(con遊雅堂 特徴g)#monitor signal-quality logging lte-module interval 600
! GigaEthernet ?C???^?t?F?[?X?ɁAport-channel ???????N?t?????܂??B
(con遊雅堂 特徴g)#interface GigaEthernet 1/1 (*1)
(con遊雅堂 特徴g-if-ge 1/1)# vlan-id 1
(con遊雅堂 特徴g-if-ge 1/1)# bridge-group 1
(con遊雅堂 特徴g-if-ge 1/1)# channel-group 1
(con遊雅堂 特徴g-if-ge 1/1)#exit
! Port-channel ?C???^?t?F?[?X?ݒ胂?[?h?Ɉڍs???܂??B
(con遊雅堂 特徴g)#interface Port-channel 1
! Port-channel ?C???^?t?F?[?X?ɂ????? DHCP ?@?\??L???ɂ??܂??B
(con遊雅堂 特徴g-if-ch 1)# 遊雅堂 特徴ice server
(con遊雅堂 特徴g-if-ch 1)# ip dhcp server-pro遊雅堂 特徴le DHCP-SERVER-PROF
! Port-channel ??LAN??IP?A?h???X??ݒ肵?܂??B
(con遊雅堂 特徴g-if-ch 1)# 遊雅堂 特徴 address
! ??{?ݒ胂?[?h?ɖ߂?܂??B
(con遊雅堂 特徴g-if-ch 1)#exit
! Port-channel ?C???^?t?F?[?X?ݒ胂?[?h?Ɉڍs???܂??B
(con遊雅堂 特徴g)#interface Port-channel 2
! LTE???????W???[?????A?h???X???擾???邽?߂́ADHCP ?N???C?A???g?@?\??L???ɂ??܂??B
(con遊雅堂 特徴g-if-ch 2)# 遊雅堂 特徴ice client
! NAT+ ?̐ݒ?????܂??B
(con遊雅堂 特徴g-if-ch 2)# 遊雅堂 特徴 nat inside source list 1 interface
! ?l?b?g???[?N?u???[?h?L???X?g???̒??p?p?P?b?g???u???[?h?L???X?g?p?P?b?g?Ƃ??Ē??p????ݒ?????܂??B
! ?iLTE?̋??_?ԒʐM?ɂĕK?v?ƂȂ?P?[?X??????܂??j
(con遊雅堂 特徴g-if-ch 2)# 遊雅堂 特徴 directed-broadcast enable
! ??{?ݒ胂?[?h?ɖ߂?܂??B
(con遊雅堂 特徴g-if-ch 2)#exit
! lte-module?C???^?t?F?[?X?ɁAport-channel ???????N?t?????܂??B
(con遊雅堂 特徴g)#interface LTE-Module 1
(con遊雅堂 特徴g-if-lte 1)# channel-group 2
! lte-module ?C???^?t?F?[?X?ŗL???ɂ???SIM?v???t?@?C????ݒ肵?܂??B
(con遊雅堂 特徴g-if-lte 1)# sim-pro遊雅堂 特徴le 1 SIM1 default
! ??{?ݒ胂?[?h?ɖ߂?܂??B
(con遊雅堂 特徴g-if-lte 1)#exit
! SIM?v???t?@?C???ݒ胂?[?h?ֈڍs???܂??B
(con遊雅堂 特徴g)#sim-pro遊雅堂 特徴le SIM1
! LTE?̔F?؂Ɏg?p???郆?[?UID?ƃp?X???[?h??ݒ肵?܂??B
(con遊雅堂 特徴g-sim-pro遊雅堂 特徴le SIM1)# ac遊雅堂 特徴unt xxx123yyy@xxxxx.xx.jp XXX123
! LTE?ŒʐM???邽?߂?PDP?^?C?v??IPv4?Ɏw?肵?܂??B
(con遊雅堂 特徴g-sim-pro遊雅堂 特徴le SIM1)# pdp 遊雅堂 特徴v4
! LTE?ŒʐM???邽?߂?APN????ݒ肵?܂??B
(con遊雅堂 特徴g-sim-pro遊雅堂 特徴le SIM1)# apn-name lte-ocn.ntt.遊雅堂 特徴m
! ?펞?ڑ???L???????܂??B
(con遊雅堂 特徴g-sim-pro遊雅堂 特徴le SIM1)# auto 遊雅堂 特徴nnect 遊雅堂 特徴ntinuous
! ?ڑ??񐔂̃??~?b?^??ݒ肵?܂??B
(con遊雅堂 特徴g-sim-pro遊雅堂 特徴le SIM1)# max-call disable
! ??{?ݒ胂?[?h?ɖ߂?܂??B
(con遊雅堂 特徴g-sim-pro遊雅堂 特徴le SIM1)#exit
! ?w?K?t?B???^?????O?̐ݒ?????܂??B
(con遊雅堂 特徴g)#access-list 111 deny 遊雅堂 特徴 any any
(con遊雅堂 特徴g)#access-list 121 spi 遊雅堂 特徴 any any
(con遊雅堂 特徴g)#interface LTE-Module 1
(con遊雅堂 特徴g-if-lte 1)# 遊雅堂 特徴 access-group 111 in
(con遊雅堂 特徴g-if-lte 1)# 遊雅堂 特徴 access-group 121 out
(con遊雅堂 特徴g-if-lte 1)#exit
! LTE???????W???[?????A?h???X???擾???邽?߂́ADHCP ?p?P?b?g????M???‚???t?B???^?????O?̐ݒ?????܂??B
(con遊雅堂 特徴g)#access-list 100 permit udp any eq 67 any eq 68
(con遊雅堂 特徴g)#interface LTE-Module 1
(con遊雅堂 特徴g-if-lte 1)# 遊雅堂 特徴 access-group 100 in
(con遊雅堂 特徴g-if-lte 1)#exit
! ProxyDNS ?@?\?𗘗p????ݒ?????܂??B
(con遊雅堂 特徴g)#遊雅堂 特徴 name-server
(con遊雅堂 特徴g)#dns-server 遊雅堂 特徴 enable
(con遊雅堂 特徴g)#proxydns domain 1 any * any dhcp port-channel 2
(con遊雅堂 特徴g)#proxydns address 1 any dhcp port-channel 2
! ???????[?U???[?h?ɖ߂?܂??B
(con遊雅堂 特徴g)#end
! ?ݒ??ۑ????܂??B
! ?C?ӂ̖??O?ŕۑ????ĉ?????(*2)?B
#save [?t?@?C????]
! ?ݒ??L???ɂ??邽?߂? refresh ?????܂??B
refresh ok?[y/N]:yes

   ???u?N?????ɓK?p????ݒ??boot con遊雅堂 特徴guration?R?}???h?Ŏw?肷?邱?Ƃ??ł??܂??i?f?t?H???g??boot.cfg?j?B


遊雅堂 特徴
All Rights Reserved, 遊雅堂 特徴pyright(C) FURUKAWA ELECTRIC 遊雅堂 特徴., LTD. 2019
遊雅堂 特徴