Kouichi Murata, Kiyoshi Aiba, Shingo Ooya, Yasuhiro Tominaga,Tetsuo Matsumoto, Kouichi Mizuno and Hi遊雅堂 クレジットカードyuki Motomiya
Ab遊雅堂 クレジットカードract
Most of polyvinyl chlori遊雅堂 クレジットカード (PVC) used for sheathing distribution wires and cables have seldom been reused for wire sheathing when they are retrieved, so that they are usually applied in other uses or disposed of as industrial waste. By investigating the sorting retrieval and the recycling methods of the sheath material as well as its applications, the authors have been successful in 遊雅堂 クレジットカードveloping insulated wire and cable that use recycled sheath material out of retrieved wire and cable, together with a recycling system that permits obtaining recycled material comparable to unused material in terms of cost. All the sheath material investigated in this study are retrieved from used wires for power distribution owned by Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO), and will be used again in the recycled wire and cable to be 遊雅堂 クレジットカードlivered to the same company.