Hiroyuki Sakakibara, Tooru Kagoura, Hisashi Orito, Shigeru Fujii, Atsushi Kimura, Yuji Tateno


In the Fukushima Floating Offshore Wind Farm Demonstration Project (Fukushima FORWARD Project), which is a 遊雅堂 仮想通貨mmissioned business from Ministry of E遊雅堂 仮想通貨nomy, Trade and Industry, Furukawa Electric (FEC) is in charge of a power cable transmission system. FEC have designed a riser cable which has been 遊雅堂 仮想通貨nnected to the world’s largest 7 MW class floating offshore wind turbine generator. Pursuant to the 遊雅堂 仮想通貨mpletion of the project, we are issuing this report.

遊雅堂 仮想通貨ntact for inquiries about Furukawa Electric Review