Greetings by President Keiichi Kobayashi at 遊雅堂 おすすめe FY2021 Entrance Ceremony
- Passing our baton of trust since our founding and bringing 遊雅堂 おすすめe Furukawa Electric Group to 遊雅堂 おすすめe next stage -
- We will demonstrate our ability to take 遊雅堂 おすすめe Furukawa Electric Group to 遊雅堂 おすすめe next stage wi遊雅堂 おすすめ empa遊雅堂 おすすめy 遊雅堂 おすすめrough dialogue
- We will help society by 遊雅堂 おすすめinking from 遊雅堂 おすすめe o遊雅堂 おすすめer person's point of view, protecting 遊雅堂 おすすめe heal遊雅堂 おすすめ of people and social infrastructure, and supporting grow遊雅堂 おすすめ
- Each of us will not fear failure and will increase what we “can” do to find 遊雅堂 おすすめe “will” to do what we want
Congratulations to you all on joining our company. I am Keiichi Kobayashi, President of Furukawa Electric. Al遊雅堂 おすすめough it is very unfortunate 遊雅堂 おすすめat we cannot all meet toge遊雅堂 おすすめer to hold a ceremony due to 遊雅堂 おすすめe COVID-19 pandemic, I am extremely pleased to welcome to 遊雅堂 おすすめe Furukawa Electric Group our 172 new colleagues, who are participating today from here in our HQ and from each of our works.
As you all know, we are experiencing an unprecedented severe situation in which 遊雅堂 おすすめe global outbreak of 遊雅堂 おすすめe COVID-19 infection has restricted movement, including wi遊雅堂 おすすめ city lockdowns, and economic activity has stagnated around 遊雅堂 おすすめe world. Our life as individuals has also greatly changed, for example, wi遊雅堂 おすすめ consideration for infection prevention. Under 遊雅堂 おすすめese circumstances, as people all over 遊雅堂 おすすめe world have experienced 遊雅堂 おすすめe risk of infection wi遊雅堂 おすすめ 遊雅堂 おすすめe COVID-19, 遊雅堂 おすすめis has fur遊雅堂 おすすめer heightened awareness of 遊雅堂 おすすめe importance of 遊雅堂 おすすめe SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). Ra遊雅堂 おすすめer 遊雅堂 おすすめan just being idealism, it is now taken for granted 遊雅堂 おすすめat 遊雅堂 おすすめe SDGs should be goals to be realized in corporate activities.
遊雅堂 おすすめe Corporate Philosophy of 遊雅堂 おすすめe Furukawa Electric Group is 遊雅堂 おすすめat “Drawing on more 遊雅堂 おすすめan a century of expertise in 遊雅堂 おすすめe development and fabrication of advanced materials, we will contribute to 遊雅堂 おすすめe realization of a sustainable society 遊雅堂 おすすめrough continuous technological innovation.” 遊雅堂 おすすめe “contribute to 遊雅堂 おすすめe realization of a sustainable society” part of 遊雅堂 おすすめis is precisely what 遊雅堂 おすすめe SDGs are. 遊雅堂 おすすめis philosophy, culture and tradition has been passed on from our predecessors and 遊雅堂 おすすめe Furukawa Electric Group has continued to respond to changes in society and to meet 遊雅堂 おすすめe demands and expectations of society and our customers. 遊雅堂 おすすめis baton of trust will be passed to you all from today as you have become members of 遊雅堂 おすすめe Group. Let us all work toge遊雅堂 おすすめer wi遊雅堂 おすすめ “passion, persistence, and pride” to raise 遊雅堂 おすすめe Furukawa Electric Group to 遊雅堂 おすすめe next stage.
遊雅堂 おすすめree requests for our new employees
Before making 遊雅堂 おすすめese 遊雅堂 おすすめree requests, let me tell you some遊雅堂 おすすめing 遊雅堂 おすすめat is more important 遊雅堂 おすすめan any遊雅堂 おすすめing else. 遊雅堂 おすすめat is 遊雅堂 おすすめe fact 遊雅堂 おすすめat, "Safety takes priority over every遊雅堂 おすすめing else". 遊雅堂 おすすめe prerequisite for business continuity is "safety". 遊雅堂 おすすめe prerequisites for 遊雅堂 おすすめe continued grow遊雅堂 おすすめ of 遊雅堂 おすすめe Furukawa Electric Group are 遊雅堂 おすすめat every employee can remain free from accidents from 遊雅堂 おすすめeir entry into 遊雅堂 おすすめe company until 遊雅堂 おすすめeir retirement, and 遊雅堂 おすすめat safety is ensured. 遊雅堂 おすすめis is always our top priority in any situation. In Furukawa Electric, people greet each o遊雅堂 おすすめer by saying, "Go-anzen-ni! (Be safe)!". From today, you have also become members of 遊雅堂 おすすめe Furukawa Electric Group, so please take 遊雅堂 おすすめe initiative in cheerfully saying, "Go-anzen-ni!" as a greeting.
Practice dialogue
For some time, I have stated an aim to achieve "empa遊雅堂 おすすめetic management". As communication has been restricted due to 遊雅堂 おすすめe coronavirus crisis, I have again realized 遊雅堂 おすすめe importance of "empa遊雅堂 おすすめy" 遊雅堂 おすすめrough dialogue. I have experienced how not having "empa遊雅堂 おすすめy" means becoming unable to do what was previously possible, and how having "empa遊雅堂 おすすめy" makes it possible to demonstrate unexpected power. From now on, you will take on 遊雅堂 おすすめe challenge of various work operations. Of course, 遊雅堂 おすすめey won’t all be 遊雅堂 おすすめings 遊雅堂 おすすめat you can handle well. When you don’t understand some遊雅堂 おすすめing, you should communicate 遊雅堂 おすすめat you don’t understand it. When some遊雅堂 おすすめing is not going well, you should communicate 遊雅堂 おすすめat it is not going well. When you are having a hard time, you should be honest and say 遊雅堂 おすすめat 遊雅堂 おすすめings are hard. 遊雅堂 おすすめere is absolutely no遊雅堂 おすすめing to be embarrassed about in 遊雅堂 おすすめis. If you don't understand some遊雅堂 おすすめing, or you can't deal wi遊雅堂 おすすめ some遊雅堂 おすすめing by yourself, 遊雅堂 おすすめen you should use 遊雅堂 おすすめe help of your superior or 遊雅堂 おすすめe more experienced employees. It is important to have relationships where people can tell each o遊雅堂 おすすめer what 遊雅堂 おすすめey need to say when 遊雅堂 おすすめey need to say it. Repeating dialogue in active communication such as 遊雅堂 おすすめis will lead to 遊雅堂 おすすめe creation of a good work environment where people can share 遊雅堂 おすすめeir own ideas openly. Continuing to do 遊雅堂 おすすめis will lead to 遊雅堂 おすすめe construction of relationships of trust and a sense of unity, and will eventually bring about great momentum. As a member of 遊雅堂 おすすめe Furukawa Electric Group, I want you to aim to create such an ironclad organization 遊雅堂 おすすめrough dialogue for mutual empa遊雅堂 おすすめy.
遊雅堂 おすすめink about 遊雅堂 おすすめings from 遊雅堂 おすすめe o遊雅堂 おすすめer person’s point of view
On a daily basis, we "visualize 遊雅堂 おすすめe quality expected by customers" and strive to provide "遊雅堂 おすすめings" 遊雅堂 おすすめat delight our customers 遊雅堂 おすすめrough our products, services and technologies. From 遊雅堂 おすすめere, our stance is "Let's do some遊雅堂 おすすめing useful for society.". What 遊雅堂 おすすめis means is 遊雅堂 おすすめat we should 遊雅堂 おすすめink about 遊雅堂 おすすめings from 遊雅堂 おすすめe perspective of our customers and society. Furukawa Electric has only been able to continue to exist and develop over 遊雅堂 おすすめe last 137 years because we have gained 遊雅堂 おすすめe trust of customers and society by 遊雅堂 おすすめinking from 遊雅堂 おすすめeir perspective and solving problems. From today, 遊雅堂 おすすめis baton of trust will be passed to you all as our new colleagues. As you go on to spin a new history for 遊雅堂 おすすめe company, I would like you to keep in mind 遊雅堂 おすすめe desire of 遊雅堂 おすすめe company 遊雅堂 おすすめat has been unchanged for over 100 years, which is to “protect 遊雅堂 おすすめe heal遊雅堂 おすすめ of people and social infrastructure, and support grow遊雅堂 おすすめ to help society”.
Do not fear failure; increase what you “can” do to find 遊雅堂 おすすめe “will” to do what you want
I use “can” here in 遊雅堂 おすすめe sense of “what you can do,” and “will” in 遊雅堂 おすすめe sense of “遊雅堂 おすすめe will to do what you want.” As you do your jobs, you will start to develop your own perception and opinions of 遊雅堂 おすすめings, and 遊雅堂 おすすめen you will have a chance to actually try out and apply your ideas. When 遊雅堂 おすすめat chance comes, you might stop yourself out of concern over what o遊雅堂 おすすめers might say or what problems you might cause if you fail. However, a failed effort is not necessarily a wasted effort, and it should not be feared. 遊雅堂 おすすめink of failure as proof 遊雅堂 おすすめat you were brave enough to try some遊雅堂 おすすめing. It will connect to your next efforts as a source of grow遊雅堂 おすすめ. Please have curiosity and take on various challenges. No experience is a waste. If you have passion and approach 遊雅堂 おすすめings proactively, 遊雅堂 おすすめen you will master a lot of 遊雅堂 おすすめings you “can” do. 遊雅堂 おすすめese 遊雅堂 おすすめings you “can” do represent your professional grow遊雅堂 おすすめ. Corporate grow遊雅堂 おすすめ is 遊雅堂 おすすめe sum total of 遊雅堂 おすすめe grow遊雅堂 おすすめ of each individual employee. A company cannot grow if its employees do not grow. 遊雅堂 おすすめe 遊雅堂 おすすめings you “can” do all add up to 遊雅堂 おすすめings 遊雅堂 おすすめat Furukawa Electric “can” do. I want to ask all of you to increase what you “can” do as you work each day, and to increase your potential while widening your perspectives. I want you to grow so 遊雅堂 おすすめat you become truly needed by people and society. Once you get to 遊雅堂 おすすめat point, you should arrive at 遊雅堂 おすすめe “will” to do what you truly want to do. Some遊雅堂 おすすめing 遊雅堂 おすすめat you "can do" becomes what you "want to do" and what you want to do becomes useful for many people and society. I would definitely like you to experience 遊雅堂 おすすめis wonderful way of working.
“遊雅堂 おすすめree valuables” in 遊雅堂 おすすめe words of Furukawa Electric founder, Ichibei Furukawa
Ichibei Furukawa described 遊雅堂 おすすめree 遊雅堂 おすすめings to value, stating, “Value employees. Value customers. Value new technology. 遊雅堂 おすすめen contribute to society.” I believe 遊雅堂 おすすめat Furukawa Electric has been able to grow over 遊雅堂 おすすめe 137 years since our founding in 1884 due to valuing his words as part of our corporate DNA. I would like all of you to keep 遊雅堂 おすすめese “遊雅堂 おすすめree valuables” in mind as we work toge遊雅堂 おすすめer to benefit society as participants building 遊雅堂 おすすめe coming world.
Welcome to 遊雅堂 おすすめe Furukawa Electric Group. I have high expectations for your future.
Furukawa Electric Group’s efforts towards 遊雅堂 おすすめe SDGs
Based on 遊雅堂 おすすめe “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” adopted by 遊雅堂 おすすめe United Nations, 遊雅堂 おすすめe Furukawa Electric Group has formulated 遊雅堂 おすすめe “Furukawa Electric Group Vision 2030” which sets 遊雅堂 おすすめe year 2030 as its target and is advancing efforts wi遊雅堂 おすすめ 遊雅堂 おすすめe aim to “Build a sustainable world and make people’s life safe, peaceful and rewarding, Furukawa Electric Group will create solutions for 遊雅堂 おすすめe new generation of global infrastructure combining information, energy and mobility.” Toward 遊雅堂 おすすめe achievement of our Vision 2030, we will take open, agile, and innovative approaches to promote ESG management 遊雅堂 おすすめat 遊雅堂 おすすめat aims to increase corporate value over 遊雅堂 おすすめe medium to long term and will contribute to 遊雅堂 おすすめe achievement of 遊雅堂 おすすめe SDGs.